Triathlon training, mania, battered feet, and booze

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

3/1 Long Run Day

So the Buffalo Marathon it is. May 28th. It's supposed to be flat and fast (which is good 'cause I still feel fat and spastic). Along the road to Buffalo, I'm doing the LI Marathon. (I've got a 22 miler that week, so I'm planning to walk off the course at mile 22. Serves those fuckers right because the 2nd half of the LI, after all the half marathoners depart, is pretty bleak.) I'm also doing a slew of 1/2s including the Brooklyn and the Queens.

Today I've got a 13 (this week's long run). I'd like to try to do these at an 8:45 pace. Wish me luck!


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