Triathlon training, mania, battered feet, and booze

Saturday, March 04, 2006


Here's a great meal for you folks (like me) trying to trim a few. It's a great pre or post workout meal. It is 200 calories, 14 grams protein, 26 grams carbohydrate and very filling. (And please don't be a dick! Diets are complete bullshit. All of them. Carb counting is for a-holes. All of these never work for more than a very short term. Lose weight by controlling your choices, your portions, your calories.) Take 1/2 cup dry oatmeal (I use McCann's Quick Cooking Irish) mix in 1 cup water, 1 dash salt, a few sprays of butter substitute spray (like I can't believe it's not butter SPRAY), and 6 tablespoons of egg white. Bring to boil and stir. Boil while stirring for 2 minutes. Turn off, cover and let sit 2 minutes. EAT!
YUMMY! (For those with a sweet tooth, add a splenda or sweet N Low packet. You can mix in fruit too, but I prefer to eat my fruit later as a snack...spreading out my calories.) (I know, I know, obvious, right? Bet you never mixed the egg whites in, did ya? My buddy, Matty, taught me that trick. Thanks Matty!)

Did a nice 6 today. Windy and cold at times, but when I was out of the wind, the sun made it feel almost balmy. (I said almost.) 2 miles warm then I mixed in some speed in the middle: 4 1/4s descending at 95, 90, 85, 80 & 2 1/2s at 3:15. I'd take about 1 minute rest between each. Then I had a 2 mile warm down.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip Emeril.

9:50 PM


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