Triathlon training, mania, battered feet, and booze

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Letter to Leno

Jay Leno Apologizes to Offended Viewer
Wednesday March 15 11:26 AM ET
Jay Leno knows that comedy means sometimes having to say you're sorry. After Leno's "Tonight Show" aired a sketch that compared Vice President Dick Cheney's hunting accident to a 2003 videotaped shooting outside a Los Angeles courthouse, he received a letter of complaint from a viewer.
Wendy Brogin, a friend of shooting victim Gerald Curry, wrote to Leno condemning the recent sketch as offensive and asking him to "do the right thing relative to this matter."
Within days, Leno responded with a phone call that greatly impressed Brogin, the Daily News of Los Angeles reported Tuesday.

"He said, `Hello, Wendy, this is Jay Leno'," she said. "`I'm calling about the letter you wrote and I want to apologize. I just want to let you know we make mistakes sometimes and we don't mean to hurt people.'"

Dear Jay:
You spineless worm. You have the edge of a ladle-full of tapioca, and the guts of a jellyfish. It’s comedy. There was a time—a long, long time ago—when you did comedy. Remember that? If it’s worth its salt, it’s going to offend someone. You can spend your off hours pleasing the network and your increasingly PC public making your namby-pamby phonecalls. Or you can grow a set and start doing comedy again.



The schedule called for another 6 today, but I was still pretty wiped out (sore throat, congested, weak). I did a 5 and called it good. We'll see how I feel tomorrow. I may take the day off since Saturday is the Brooklyn 1/2.


Blogger Hugh G. Balls said...

You're slaying me. I just fouled myself. Of course, it could be the cold.

12:49 PM


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