Triathlon training, mania, battered feet, and booze

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Harm. And pain.

VIENNA, Austria - Iran threatened the United States with "harm and pain" Wednesday for its role in hauling Tehran before the U.N. Security Council over its nuclear program.

Harm and pain? Harm and Pain! Come on, even a ten year old can do better than that. They should get a little Soprano on our asses (3/12 Da Family returns, btw): "USA: We fucking whack you." Or "Imperial Scum: We break you fucking leg!"

And speaking of pain and harm. Today I've got an 18 to do and my hammy hurts. (Wah, wah, wah.)


Blogger GVB said...

Hey Al...just out of curiosity, when do you find time to teach with all this mileage you're putting in?

11:01 AM

Blogger Hugh G. Balls said...


6:33 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Al teaches? I thought he worked fast food.

10:03 PM

Blogger GVB said...

Well then, we'll just add this to the long list of lies Al has told me through the years. And yet I keep coming back for more...I must really love you Al.

10:45 AM


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