Triathlon training, mania, battered feet, and booze

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The environmental President: Pure Genius

Bush takes aim at gasoline prices
WASHINGTON - President George W. Bush, in trouble over soaring gasoline prices, ordered a probe on Tuesday into any price gouging, called for an end to tax breaks for Big Oil and suspended oil deposits into the U.S. emergency stockpile. As a short-term measure, Bush also gave the Environmental Protection Agency authority to suspend federal clean-burning gasoline rules this summer that are forcing consumers to buy expensive new gasoline blends.

The problem is, clearly, all the pesky tree-hugger regulations and limitations on our abilities to drill and refine. Folks start with that hybrid technology, but genetics won't solve this here problem. And then they start with that fuel cell mumbo jumbo. If god wanted us messin' with cells...well you know my thinking on that. If we could just get into that there tundra...

Ran a nice fast 6 today and felt good. Al K. and I have a bunch of 6s and the Queens 1/2 this week. My plan for the 1/2 is to do 8:15s for the first 9 miles and then negative split the last portion at 7:45s or better.

Congrats to GVB. He kicked ass in the Vancouver Sun Run.


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