Triathlon training, mania, battered feet, and booze

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


So Al found himself at the Tom petty show at the Garden last night. (Snuck in a fast 4 before the train.) Petty sounded excellent, razor sharp. And he had Stevie Nicks on stage for a few songs (who, by the way, should seriously consider salad...they did a slide show of the early years of TP and Stevie Nicks collaborations and projected it on her ass).

Mr. Copacetic
Anyway, Al had enjoyed a number of cervezas with dinner and was having fun when Mr. Copacetic came on scene. Al and his pals had snuck down to loge level as their upper tier seats were not to their liking. Mr. C grooved up doing that trippy, dead "wind-em-up, watch-my-hands, now-I'm-jogging-in-place" dance that all these patchoulli smelling MFs favor. He looked at Al with a "just communed with the bodhisattva" look and said, "that's my seat, man. But it's cool. It's cool. I'm copacetic, man. I'm copacetic." He then danced down a step, tried to do a turn with his hands in the air and proceeded to fall, ass over tea kettle, the 40 or so steps down to the floor section. In all, it was a hell of a maneuver. I deducted points, though, because of the landing (he took out the section divider at the bottom of the stairs). A number of other hipsters were near the bottom of the stairs and were very excited to see their brethren come blasting by. They piled through the hole in the divider and rushed the stage.

Just Found Jesus
So the show is progressing and Tom is rocking through "Refugee" when I notice something. As he spins around, the brown velvet vest he's got on has BIG crosses at the lapels and an even BIGGER one on the back. BIG. They are done in a crimson colored glitter and when the light hits them they shine like crazy. Now I'm a Tom Petty fan. I've got a bunch of his albums, and I'll give the knob a crank when he comes on in the ride. But I had no idea he was a Jesus freak. I've enjoyed his music for 30 years...NO IDEA. I'm remarking to one of my friends, "hey look at those fucking crosses." I point and gawk. "What's the story?" Just then Captain copacetic leans in from over my left shoulder (how he got back from the assault on stage left, I have no idea) "yeah man, he found Jesus."

I had no idea he was lost.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Moveitfred was a big fan of that hot little Nix minx back in the day. Moveitfred used to fantasize about getting all tangled up in that flowing shit she used to wear. Talk about a chick who's aged poorly. Where has she been the last 20 years? Harvesting turnips on some bleak Soviet socialist farm? How about a before and after Al?

Petty...that dude was one snorkly-looking mother fucker to begin with. No change there.

3:47 PM

Blogger Hugh G. Balls said...

Dude, it wasn't turnips that built that monument to excess. I'd say it was haagen dazs. But we're all copacetic.

7:25 PM


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