Triathlon training, mania, battered feet, and booze

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Al Celebrates America

Well, my homebrews were a hit at my BBQ.(Mostly cause they are about 9% alcohol, methinks.) And the rain came when we headed in to eat and departed as we finished dessert, so the kids were still able to blast around the backyard and have fun. Perfect. Their cousin (my nephew)is right in between them in age (the kids are 4, 3, and 2) so they are able to play and enjoy. The only hitch in the day was that my white trash neighbors (who, every year, after their 15 minute garage band version of Smoke on the Water sans vocals, put on their own little fireworks show that runs until 2 or 3 am) didn't kill or maim any of their brood. You can't have everything.

Al is on the mend.

Rehab has gone well, and I am getting stronger. I ran a small amount today (about .25 mile) in the midst of a 4 mile fast walk. I felt good and experienced no pain. (But I was too chicken to try more. Dr. wants me to wait, yet, anyway.) I've been swimming and biking with limited resistance (small ring and the 15). And weight lifting has gone well too. In all, I couldn't ask for a better return on the effort. So, if we don't get nuked by North Korea or Iran (in the not too distant future), I plan on shooting for a sprint tri in September. And, god willing, beating up Fred in Cyclocoss season.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Al, perfect 4th. Did you ever get that engine back in your Firebird?

9:55 PM

Blogger Hugh G. Balls said...

Never did git it in there. But the house still rolls. got that going for us...

10:01 PM


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