If you listen to A Pasty Dude From Seattle you'll be putting all sorts of shit in your martini
and mixing two types of vermouth in there too. My advice, ignore dudes from Seattle. The perfect martini begins with 4 oz. very well chilled, super-premium gin. Bombay sapphire is my choice.
You can substitute vodka here, but I say gin. (When was the last time you heard of a vodka mill or a vodka joint?) You'll also need a well chilled martini glass. Splash some dry vermouth in this glass
and immediately pour this piss in the sink. (Any high school kid will tell you: you don't mix wine and booze.) Now put two olives in the glass. And if they're a bit wet, good. I like my martini a bit dirty.
Now pour that very well chilled gin in. Give a light turn and enjoy. (Don't shake a martini. Good booze doesn't like to be bashed about.)