Triathlon training, mania, battered feet, and booze

Friday, July 07, 2006


Al returns from upstate where he vacationed with Mrs. Al for a few days

It's amazing what 2 days away from kids can do for you. (The only ass I had to worry about wiping was my own...Whoa!) I mean, I love my kids, but boy it is nice to spend some time not worrying about anything but what to drink with dinner or what activity to do after lunch.

The Mohonk Mountain House is a gorgeous place. I recommend it. Great food, and lots of great activities. (The leg felt really good. I did some vigorous hiking and scrambling, some bouldering, some biking, swimming, and even (just a little) trail running.) But here's the thing: you've got to chop your way through a whole passle of peaceniks and beats and hippie weirdos selling spiritual healing to get there. Every other asshole up there (most in their second decade of matriculation at SUNY New Paltz)is selling crystals, aromatic oils, spiritual experiences, and tantric secrets. I mean FUCK! Can't we do something with these fuckers? I thought they had signed some treaty or something: the US cedes them Berkeley and Boulder, CO and they agree to stay way the fuck away from the east coast. What gives?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Al, try est/the forum. It'll help you reach your full human potential. Come join Heywood and Moveitfred out in Cali next month--we'll get you hooked up with a guru in no time.

9:38 AM


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